Dems Ran Up the Tab. Now They Want You to Pay the Bill.

May 31, 2011

Having Sacrificed Enough, American Families Unwilling to Pay for the Democrat Agenda


Speaking Sunday morning on Fox News Sunday, Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD) claimed that as their price for reducing spending while raising the debt ceiling, Democrats would insist that “revenue increases–their latest code words for tax increases–be included in any deficit reduction package:

REP. EDWARDS (D-MD): “The Republicans are being disingenuous when all you do is talk about the spending cuts, only a portion of the budget, and then not also talk about revenue increases.” (Remarks from Rep. Donna Edwards, Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, 5/30/2011)


Edwards’ comments dovetail with similar remarks from DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL), who couched her call for new tax increases in the language of “shared sacrifice.” In other words, Democrats want American families and small businesses to sacrifice more of their hard-earned money to help Democrats sacrifice the futures of our children and grandchildren by saddling them with more debt owed to China:


DNC CHAIR REP. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ (D-FL): “What we need to sit down and–around the negotiating table and agree on is that there needs to be some shared sacrifice.” (Remarks from Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, CBS’ Face the Nation, 5/30/2011)


Meanwhile, at least 114 House Democrats are still looking forward to a clean vote on increasing the “debt ceiling” in order to give themselves a new credit card for trillions of dollars in new spending:
“‘Well, when Mr. Cantor says it doesn’t have enough support, Mr. Welch has 114, of which I’m not one – I would vote for that,’ Hoyer said, referring to Rep. Peter Welch’s (D-Vt.) coalition of Democrats who are calling for a clean vote.”(Jake Sherman, “GOP floats test vote on debt ceiling,” Politico, 5/3/2011)


Unfortunately for Democrats, the American people don’t believe that Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama’s unabated spending spree will help ourweak economy:



AND ONLY 11 PERCENT SUPPORT THE DEMOCRATS’ PLAN TO INCREASE THE DEBT LIMIT WITHOUT SPENDING CUTS. (“Voters Want Spending Cuts and Budget Reforms Tied to Debt Limit Increase,” Resurgent Republic, 4/26/2011)