MADE IN DC: Democrats’ Government Takeover of Healthcare to Blame as Employers Drop Employee Coverage

June 8, 2011

Democrats’ Government Takeover of Healthcare to Blame as Employers Drop Employee Coverage
Skyrocketing Costs Will Leave Millions of Americans Without Insurance

DC DEMOCRATS STILL DON’T GET IT: Despite claiming that the government takeover of healthcare will bring down costs and improve access, a new study shows employers are likely to stop offering insurance to their employees due to the massive costs the Democrats’ plan has inflicted:

“A report by McKinsey & Co. has found that 30% of employers are likely to stop offering workers health insurance after the bulk of the Obama administration’s health overhaul takes effect in 2014…In surveying 1,300 employers earlier this year, McKinsey found that 30% said they would “definitely or probably” stop offering employer coverage in the years after 2014. That figure increased to more than 50% among employers with a high awareness of the overhaul law.” (Janet Adamy, “Study Sees Cuts to Health Plans,” Wall Street Journal, 6/8/11)
MADE IN WASHINGTON, DC: Democrats have long claimed that Americans will have greater access to their unpopular, expensive, and intrusive “reform.” The reality of their catastrophic government takeover of healthcare is that due to burdensome costs, millions of Americans who would otherwise be insured will be without access due to the new law:
“The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, in a March 2010 report, found that by 2019, about six million to seven million people who otherwise would have had access to coverage through their job won’t have it owing to the new law. That estimate represents about 4% of the roughly 160 million people projected to have employment-based coverage in 2019.” (Janet Adamy, “Study Sees Cuts to Health Plans,” Wall Street Journal, 6/8/11)