Dems’ New Taxing & Spending Spree: Making A Bad Economy Even Worse

June 14, 2011

FYI, a similar version of this release below went out to the following districts: Jason Altmire (PA-04), John Barrow (GA-12), Sanford Bishop (GA-02), Tim Bishop (NY-01), Dan Boren (OK-02), Leonard Boswell (IA-03), Bruce Braley (IA-01), Dennis Cardoza (CA-18), Russ Carnahan (MO-03), Ben Chandler (KY-06), David Cicilline (RI-01), Gerry Connolly (VA-11), Jim Cooper (TN-05), Jim Costa (CA-20), Jerry Costello (IL-12), Mark Critz (PA-12), Henry Cuellar (TX-28), Peter DeFazio (OR-04), Joe Donnelly (IN-02), Raul Grijalva (AZ-07), Martin Heinrich (NM-01), Brian Higgins (NY-27), Jim Himes (CT-04), Ruben Hinojosa (TX-15), Kathy Hochul (NY-26), Tim Holden (PA-17), Rush Holt (NJ-12), Jay Inslee (WA-01), Steve Israel (NY-02), Bill Keating (MA-10), Dale Kildee (MI-05), Ron Kind (WI-03), Larry Kissell (NC-08), Rick Larsen (WA-02), David Loebsack (IA-02), Jim Matheson (UT-02), Carolyn McCarthy (NY-04), Mike McIntyre (NC-07), Jerry McNerney (CA-11), Michael Michaud (ME-02), Brad Miller (NC-13), Bill Owens (NY-23), Frank Pallone (NJ-06), Ed Perlmutter (CO-07), Gary Peters (MI-09), Collin Peterson (MN-07), Chellie Pingree (ME-01), David Price (NC-04), Nick Rahall (WV-03), Mike Ross (AR-04), Loretta Sanchez (CA-47), Kurt Schrader (OR-05), Heath Shuler (NC-11), Adam Smith (WA-09), Betty Sutton (OH-13), John Tierney (MA-06), Niki Tsongas (MA-05), Pete Visclosky (IN-01), Tim Walz (MN-01), Anthony Weiner (NY-09), David Wu (OR-01), John Yarmuth (KY-03)

Loebsack’s New Taxing & Spending Spree: Making A Bad Economy Even Worse
Iowa Democrat’s Party Leaders Double Down on Policies That Send Debt, Jobs to China

Washington — As the economy continues to struggle in the wake of Dave Loebsack’s failed Democrat policies, his party leaders are instead gearing up to force through even more taxes and stimulus spending instead of cutting back and having the government live within its means. Since his Democrat allies are already declaring that they have “broad support” to continue propping up their spending addiction, Iowa families and small businesses can only assume that Loebsack continues to support a failed spending spree that is making a bad economy even worse.

“Dave Loebsack’s Democrat leaders are essentially demanding tax increases in order to continue fueling their spending addiction that has driven jobs away and left future generations indebted to countries like China,” said NRCC Communications Director Paul Lindsay. “Since those party leaders are now claiming that they have ‘broad support’ for their job-crushing tax hikes and further stimulus spending, Iowa families and small businesses can only assume that Loebsack is again supporting a disastrous agenda that continues to make a bad economy even worse.”

Democrat leaders in Washington are insisting on even more job-crushing taxes and spending, saying that their plan has “broad support” among their fellow Democrats:

“Senior Senate Democrats are growing frustrated by what they see as President Obama’s passivity on the economy, and are beginning to discuss a large infrastructure package funded by tax increases.”

“Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.), chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, endorsed Harkin’s argument for more infrastructure spending, and said it is gaining support in the broader caucus. ‘There’s very broad support,’ Rockefeller said. ‘There’s no other way to get at this problem.'” (Alexander Bolton, “Do more on jobs, Dems tell Obama,” The Hill, 6/10/11)

This is despite the fact that they have even joked about the dismal failure of these very same policies:

“While meeting with his Jobs and Competitiveness Council today in Durham, N.C., President Obama cracked wise about one of his administration’s early catchphrases. Remember ‘shovel-ready projects.’

Those were construction projects in the 2009 stimulus bill that were supposed to get moving right away — but jobs council members told Obama today that some got held up because of elaborate government regulations and permitting procedures. ‘Shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected,’ Obama said.” (David Jackson, “Obama jokes about ‘shovel-ready projects,'” USA Today‘s The Oval Blog, 6/13/11)

Dave Loebsack’s Democrat leaders are insisting on even more spending fueled by more taxes on Iowa families and small businesses, and they suggest their support from fellow Democrats is growing. Will Loebsack join his Democrat colleagues in pushing through more job-destroying taxes and spending during a time of devastating economic turmoil?

Dems’ New Taxing & Spending Spree: Making A Bad Economy Even Worse #madeinwdc
