Hypocrite Himes Fails to Admit He Cut $500 Billion from Medicare, Supports 17% Benefit Cut
Hypocrite Jim Himes strikes again. In a news release sent out this week, Rep. Himes touts partisan talking points about Medicare that are flat-out false and designed to scare seniors in Connecticut. It’s clear that he’s following the lead of Nancy Pelosi, whose plan is to “Demagogue Medicare” as her sole focus heading into 2012. Let’s take a look at the facts when it comes to Medicare and Jim Himes’ statement.
Among other hypocritical claims, Himes says that, “We do need to reform many programs throughout the federal government, to both cut waste to reduce the out-of-control increases in health care costs and to ensure these programs are viable for this generation and the next,’ said Congressman Jim Himes (D-CT). ‘We should improve these programs, not destroy them.'”(Rep. Himes’ Press Release, 6/28/2011)
THE FACTS: The reality is that not only did Rep. Himes vote to cut $500 billion from Medicare to pay for government-run healthcare, but he also stands behind Nancy Pelosi’s Medicare bankruptcy plan which will result in higher taxes and a 17 percent cut to benefits. This is the approach that destroys Medicare and ensures that it is NOT viable for this generation and the next. Despite Himes’ false attacks, the Republican plan continues Medicare’s guarantee, and protects and preserves the program for future generations.
NRCC Comment: “Rep. Himes continues his hypocrisy when it comes to what he says and how he votes in Washington. His efforts to mislead and scare seniors are at the direction of Nancy Pelosi and are a way to mask his record of cutting $500 billion from Medicare and supporting his party’s plan that cuts benefits by 17 percent.”