Kate Marshall Supports Reid’s Job-Killing Agenda

July 18, 2011

With the Nevada unemployment rate over 12 percent and new unemployment numbers out later this week, Kate Marshall continues to support Harry Reid’s job-killing agenda. Kate Marshall may try to distance herself from the Washington establishment, but it’s important to remember that Harry Reid supported and raised money for Marshall before she won the Democrat nomination.

During her tenure as state treasurer, Kate Marshall lost $50 million of taxpayer money on a preventable Wall Street gamble while Nevada’s economy suffered the worst job loss and home foreclosures in the nation.

As a candidate, Kate Marshall supports raising Obama’s debt ceiling without any spending reductions alongside it, and opposes repealing the $1 trillion government takeover of healthcare which cut $500 billion from Medicare.

Please consider the following comment from the NRCC as you cover Nevada’s unemployment rate.

“Harry Reid deliberately handpicked Kate Marshall to push his job-killing agenda in the House.  Reid’s attempt to force his ideological identical twin on Nevada voters will prove futile as Kate Marshall’s support of Washington’s reckless spending culture comes to light.” – Tyler Q. Houlton, NRCC Spokesman