MADE IN DC: Democrats’ Job-Destroying Policies Hindering Small Businesses from Creating Jobs

August 15, 2011

Democrats’ Job-Destroying Policies Hindering Small Businesses from Creating Jobs
New Survey Shows Small Businesses Refuse to Hire or Grow due to Economy

DC DEMOCRATS STILL DON’T GET IT: For almost 3 years Americans have had to listen to Obama and Washington Democrats’ empty promise that they are going to create jobs. Now, after a nearly trillion dollar stimulus and miles of red tape, the only thing American workers are being offered is more promises:

“We have a job, a responsibility to the American people to get the job done. They want jobs.

“So what we want to do is have people go to the table share the values of the American people, understand the desperate need for job creation. And we see job creation as essential to deficit reduction.”

“But again, this is about how we go to the next steps: jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs.” (Remarks from Nancy Pelosi, “Pelosi: Americans ‘Want Job Initiatives,'”MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports, 8/3/2011)

MADE IN WASHINGTON, DC: Hypocritical Democrats in Washington pledge their sincerity towards creating jobs but simultaneously support job-destroying regulatory policies that crush any chance of small businesses feeling confident enough in the economy to hire:

“Small-business owners turned less optimistic about future revenues and new hiring even prior to the events of recent weeks and the plunge in economic confidence. The percentage of owners anticipating that their revenues would increase over the next 12 months fell to 42% in July, down from 49% in April and 54% in January. At the same time, 18% expect their revenues to decrease. Small-business-owner revenue expectations are no better now than they were in October 2010.

“Even before the events of recent weeks, small-business owners reported they were pulling back on their hiring intentions for the next 12 months. This is consistent with Gallup’s unemployment and underemployment measures that suggest no improvement from a year ago. Given the lack of business revenue and cash-flow visibility today, these hiring expectations may well worsen in the months ahead.” (Dennis Jacobe, “Small-Business Owners’ Revenue and Hiring Expectations Down,”Gallup, 8/12/2011)
