Burdensome Red Tape Contrived by Washington Dems Destroys More Jobs

September 12, 2011

 Burdensome Red Tape Contrived by Washington Dems Destroys More Jobs
New EPA Regulations Force a Texas Energy Company to Cut 500 Jobs

DC DEMOCRATS STILL DON’T GET IT: Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats must believe that if they continue to clog the airwaves with the message that the main national concern is jobs then maybe struggling American workers won’t notice that there aren’t any:

“‘The American people’s top priority is the creation of jo
bs, jobs, jobs, jobs.'” (“Pelosi Floor Speech in Opposition to Republican Default Act,”Office of Rep. Nancy Pelosi, 7/28/2011)

MADE IN WASHINGTON, DC: However, when a staggering number of jobs are lost due to the abundant red tape Washington Democrats have imposed on business, it is apparent that the only thing the Democrats have promoted are hyper-regulatory policies that destroy jobs:

“Texas energy company Luminant announced on Monday new burdensome Environmental Protection Agency regulations are forcing it to close several facilities, which will result in about 500 job losses.

“‘We have hundreds of employees who have spent their entire professional careers at Luminant and its predecessor companies,’ Luminant CEO David Campbell said in a statement. ‘At every step of this process, we have tried to minimize these impacts, and it truly saddens me that we are being compelled to take the actions we’ve announced today. We have filed suit to try to avoid these consequences.’

“The company said it has been trying to meet the new standards, but won’t be able to do so without closing down several facilities and eliminating 500 jobs.

“‘…Meeting this unrealistic deadline also forces us to take steps that will idle facilities and result in the loss of jobs,’ Campbell adds.” (Matthew Boyle, “EPA regulation forces closure of Texas energy facilities, eliminates 500 jobs, Daily Caller, 9/12/2011)
