After New York Upset, Will John Barrow Be the Next Victim Of Obama’s Job-Destroying Agenda?

September 14, 2011

FYI, a similar version of this release below went out to the following Blue Dog districts: Leonard Boswell (IA-03), Mike McIntyre (NC-07), Heath Shuler (NC-11), Collin Peterson (MN-07)

Good Evening,

As we can see with tonight’s special election results, President Obama and his failed record on jobs served as an albatross around the neck of the Democrat candidates.The Blue Dogs support wasn’t enough in Nevada’s 2nd district and a more than 3-1 party registration advantage didn’t help in a deep blue district in New York City.

What impact will this have on John Barrow, a so-called “moderate” blue dog, who supported Obama’s failed stimulus plan that failed to keep unemployment at 8 percent? As you know, Georgia has one of the nation’s highest unemployment rates at 10.1% and the Augusta Chronicle recently concluded the failed stimulus will “only put us deeper in debt.” (The Augusta Chronicle Editorial, 9/1/2011)

Will John Barrow try to distance himself from Obama and refuse to endorse him for re-election in 2012?

Democrats around the country are already declining to endorse Obama…

House Dem Declines To Endorse The President’s Re-Election: “Rep. Bill Owens, a Plattsburgh Democrat, declined to immediately endorse President Barack Obama for re-election in 2012, saying he’ll have to ‘wait and see.’ ‘My view of this is that the election is going to come down to the economy and who has the better jobs plan,’ Mr. Owens said. ‘That’s ultimately what people are concerned about. I’m going to wait and see what everybody comes forward with.’… Despite Mr. Owens’ reluctance to endorse the president, though, it’s probably in the offing anyway… Mr. Owens’ major criticism of Mr. Obama’s handling of the economy has to do with a perceived lack of focus on jobs.” (Watertown Daily Times, 8/22/2011)

National Journal – Obama “Might As Well Be” On The Ballot: “President Obama won’t officially be on the ballot in this special election in New York’s 9th District, but he might as well be….Weprin has awkwardly tried to distance himself from Obama.” (National Journal, 9/13/2011)

NRCC COMMENT: “Georgia middle-class families are fed up with Barrow’s empty promises and failed policies that have punished job creators. His unconditional support for Obama’s job-destroying agenda that has severely damaged Georgia’s economy will cost him critical re-election support.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Andrea Bozek

John Barrow for Congress