Ohioans Forced to Pay More Under Obama’s Government Takeover of Healthcare

September 21, 2011

 Ohioans Forced to Pay More Under Obama’s Government Takeover of Healthcare
An Ohio Commissioned Report Finds That Insurance Premiums Will Rise from 55 to 85 Percent

DC DEMOCRATS STILL DON’T GET IT: Obama repeatedly promised that insurance premiums would be lower under his government takeover of healthcare:

“Now, so let me talk about the third thing, which is my proposal would bring down the cost of health care for families, for businesses, and for the federal government. So Americans buying comparable coverage to what they have today — I already said this — would see premiums fall by 14 to 20 percent — that’s not my numbers, that’s what the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office says — for Americans who get their insurance through the workplace.

“Our cost-cutting measures would reduce most people’s premiums and bring down our deficit by up to a trillion dollars over the next two decades. Those aren’t my numbers. Those are the numbers determined by the Congressional Budget Office.” (Barack Obama, “Remarks by the President on Health Care Reform in Strongsville, OH,” The White House, 3/15/2010)

MADE IN WASHINGTON, DC: But since the implementation of ObamaCare, Ohioans are having to absorb an outrageously high jump in insurance premiums while being deprived of consumer choice:

“Ohioans who buy individual insurance policies could see their premiums jump 55 to 85 percent in 2014 when key provisions of the new federal health-care law kick in, according to a new report.

“Lt. Gov. and Department of Insurance Director Mary Taylor today announced the findings of the report commissioned by the state to analyze how the law will impact Ohio consumers, businesses and insurance market.

“The analysis by Milliman Inc. projected that premiums on policies offered through small businesses could increase 5 to 15 percent while the cost of insurance through large employers may jump 3 to 5 percent.

“’While Obamacare supporters may argue these changes are necessary to ensure access, the results mean even more financial burden on the backs of taxpayers,’ Taylor said in a statement released by her office. “This report clearly shows what I have long predicted: Obamacare will result in bigger government, unsustainable costs and ultimately, less consumer choice.’” (Catherine Candisky, “Insurance premiums expected to increase, report says,” The Columbus Dispatch, 9/20/2011)
