New NRCC Targeted Calls: Dems Pressured by Obama to Block up to 130,000 Union-Backed Jobs

December 13, 2011

 New NRCC Targeted Calls: Nick Rahall Pressured by Obama to Block up to 130,000 Union-Backed Jobs
As Clock Ticks Down, West Virginia Dem Unwilling to Choose Constituents over Obama

Washington — The National Republican Congressional Committee announced today a series of targeted phone calls to constituents urging Nick Rahall to get serious about creating jobs. Rahall has the chance to relieve Americans of the economic hardships they have been condemned to under President Obama, but the president is pressuring him to block up to 130,000 union-backed jobs. Will Nick Rahall finally choose to support legislation that could help create jobs or will he force his constinuents to keep asking the question: where are the jobs?

“Nick Rahall has the opportunity to prove that he will stop supporting Obama’s job-killing policies, but only if he breaks ranks with Washington Democrats and votes for a bill that could create up to 130,000 jobs,” said NRCC Communications Director Paul Lindsay. “Unfortunately, Rahall’s record exposes how he blindly supports burdensome red tape and job-destroying policies pushed for by Washington Democrats. Will Rahall finally put middle class families in West Virginia ahead of his Democrat allies and facilitate, instead of stifle, job-growth?”


The script is as follows:

Hello, I’m calling from the National Republican Congressional Committee with an important alert about your Congressman, Nick Rahall. This week, he has a chance to vote for a bipartisan jobs bill that would create up to 130,000 union-backed jobs at a pipeline that would bring oil from Canada to the U.S. However, Rahall’s strongest ally in Washington, President Obama, is pressuring him to vote against bringing these jobs to America. If Rahall follows Obama’s lead, as he usually does, that oil and those jobs will go to China. Call Nick Rahall at xxx-xxx-xxxx. Ask him to join labor unions like the Teamsters and segments of the AFL-CIO and support new jobs, instead of supporting Obama. Paid for by the National Republican Congressional Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 202.479.7000.
