MADE IN DC: Thanks to Dems’ Failed Economic Policies, U.S. Satisfaction Rate Rivals Lowest in Over 30 Years

December 22, 2011

Thanks to Dems’ Failed Economic Policies, U.S. Satisfaction Rate Rivals Lowest in Over 30 Years
New Gallup Poll Shows that Only 17 Percent of Americans are Satisfied with National Conditions

Instead of ending uncertainty, President Obama busies himself issuing executive orders to look as if he is hard at work supporting economic recovery:

"President Barack Obama reached into former President Bill Clinton’s playback [sic] and started issuing a series of executive orders and rules in order to show he is getting stuff done." (Lynn Sweet, "Obama Issuing More Orders to Look Like Getting Stuff Done: #Wecan’twait," The Chicago Sun-Times, 12/15/2011)

MADE IN WASHINGTON, DC: Americans can’t wait for Obama to encourage a pro-growth environment as they prove they are unhappy with the way things are going in America with a devastating 17 percent satisfaction rate:

"Throughout 2011, an average of 17% of Americans said they were satisfied with the way things are going in the United States. That is the second-lowest annual average in the more than 30-year history of the question, after the 15% from 2008. Satisfaction has averaged as high as 60% in 1986, 1998, and 2000.

"Americans’ widespread dissatisfaction with national conditions may largely result from the country’s economic woes. Nearly two-thirds of Americans, 64%, currently mention some economic issue as the most important problem facing the country, and the top two specific issues — the economy in general and unemployment — are economic in nature." (Jeffery M. Jones, "U.S. Satisfaction in 2011 Ranks as Second Lowest Since 1979," Gallup, 12/22/2011)
