Obama Flees From Tainted Corzine Money as “Frontline” Dems Stay Silent on DCCC’s Haul

December 26, 2011

FYI, a similar version of this release below went out to the following districts: Tim Bishop (NY-01), Leonard Boswell (IA-03), Russ Carnahan (MO-03), Ben Chandler (KY-06), Gerry Connolly (VA-11), Mark Critz (PA-12), Larry Kissell (NC-08), Jim Matheson (UT-02), Mike McIntyre (NC-07), Jerry McNerney (CA-09), Bill Owens (NY-23), Gary Peters (MI-09), Kurt Schrader (OR-05), Tim Walz (MN-01)
Obama Flees From Tainted Corzine Money as Critz Stays Silent on DCCC’s Haul
Pennsylvania “Frontline” Democrat Has Little Concern over DCCC Donor Who Gambled Away over a Billion Dollars of American Families’ and Farmers’ Money with Reckless Wall Street Bets

Washington — Now even President Obama and the Democratic National Committee are among Mark Critz’s colleagues who have fled from their dirty donations from prolific Democrat fundraiser and Wall Street gambler Jon Corzine. Despite the fact that Corzine lost over a billion dollars from farmers and families with his reckless and potentially illegal betting, Critz continues to stay silent on the DCCC’s tainted donations even though he is one of its main beneficiaries as a member of their “Frontline” program.

“Mark Critz demonstrates he is fine with disgraced donor Jon Corzine’s potentially illegal activity on Wall Street as long as it helps improve his reelection prospects,” said NRCC Communications Director Paul Lindsay. “Critz knows he has a problem now that even President Obama is returning his tainted Corzine cash, which was earned in part by gambling with money taken from hard-working American farmers and families.”

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has taken $130,000 from Jon Corzine. (CQMoneyLine, accessed 11/03/11)

Even President Obama is buckling from the political pressure of keeping his disgraced donor’s cash:

“Obama for America and the Democratic National Committee refunded the money from the former New Jersey governor out of an abundance of caution, said the official, who requested anonymity. Republicans have criticized the president for keeping contributions from the head of a firm that collapsed and filed for bankruptcy.” (Hans Nichols, “Obama Returns $70,000 in Corzine Donations,” Bloomberg, 12/24/11)

Jon Corzine earned his money from gambling with cash from ordinary American workers, but now his scheme is over:

“The havoc wreaked by MF Global’s bankruptcy filing has been felt not just by Wall Street investors and traders, but also by wheat and corn growers, cattle ranchers and pig farmers. Dotting the Farm Belt, many who used the commodities market to protect against price swings are finding their money locked up and their hedges unwound due to the firm’s downfall.” (Jerry A. DiColo and Dan Strumpf, “MF Global Collapse Felt in Farm Country,” The Wall Street Journal, 12/7/11)

Public pension funds have also been decimated by Corzine’s reckless and potentially-illegal gambling with their money:

“A class of investors, led by four public pension funds, claimed losses of $1.1 billion on MF Global shares after the firm disclosed that a broker in its Memphis, Tennessee, office lost $141 million in a few hours in unauthorized trades.” (“MF Global Trustee Says All Collateral May Not Be Returned,” Bloomberg, 11/21/11)

President Obama and the Democratic National Committee are just the latest of Mark Critz’s Democrat colleagues who are fleeing from Jon Corzine’s tainted cash earned from reckless Wall Street gambling. The longer Critz stays silent on the DCCC’s Corzine donations as a “Frontline” program member, the more he demonstrates he cares more about his own reelection than American workers and farmers.

Obama Flees From Tainted Corzine Money as “Frontline” Dems Stay Silent on DCCC’s Haul http://ow.ly/8ak5W #madeinwdc
