44 Days Left for Obama to Decide to Stop Blocking Keystone Jobs
Despite Broad Coalition of Job Creators Urging Keystone Approval, Workers Are Still Waiting on Obama to End Bureaucratic Delay of Job Creation
Despite a vast alliance of job creators and local officials urging President Obama to stop blocking the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, President Obama continues to delay this immediate job creation opportunity. American workers are left wondering if President Obama will once again prioritize political payback for radical activists over real job creation:
TEXAS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: “Rejection of the permit or suspension of the review would sacrifice the significant economic benefits this project stands to deliver and force U.S. consumers to rely on other sources of crude oil not economically and politically allied with U.S. interests.” (Texas House of Representatives letter to U.S. State Department, 6/11/2010)
WESTAR ENERGY: “The Keystone XL pipeline route traverses primarily rural areas of our state, where jobs are in short supply. We believe Keystone XL will be a positive and essential stimulus for this region.” (Westar Energy letter to U.S. State Department, 6/10/2010)
KANSAS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: “The U.S. Department of State has the opportunity to approve an energy infrastructure project that not only will strengthen long-term energy security, but it will also provide a powerful private-sector economic stimulus to the states and localities along the pipeline route during its construction at a time when the economy continues to struggle. … Keystone XL will generate substantial economic benefits for the U.S. and in the states along the proposed route. These are areas where economic performance has stagnated or is shrinking. … Keystone XL would generate $20.9 billion in total expenditures, $9.6 billion in output (gross product), personal income of $6.5 billion and 118,935 person years of employment (jobs).” (Kansas Chamber of Commerce letter to U.S. State Department, 6/9/2010)