43 Days Left as Obama Continues to Block Keystone Jobs
Despite Broad Coalition of Job Creators Urging Keystone Approval, Workers Are Still Waiting on Obama to End Bureaucratic Delay of Job Creation
Despite a vast alliance of job creators and local officials urging President Obama to stop blocking the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, President Obama continues to delay this immediate job creation opportunity. American workers are left wondering if President Obama will once again prioritize political payback for radical activists over real job creation:
UNITED ASSOCIATION OF JOURNEYMEN AND APPRENTICES OF THE PLUMBING AND PIPE FITTING INDUSTRY OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA: “On behalf of the 350,000 members of the United Association, I am writing to request your strong support for the Keystone XL Pipeline project being developed by Transcanada, Inc. … Keystone XL is a major $12 billion economic stimulus and investment project that will substantially expand U.S. underground pipeline infrastructure and capacity by constructing safe and reliable transmission facility for transporting crude oil from Canada through the U.S. Midwest and to our Gulf Coast refineries. This initiative not only fulfills sound U.S. energy policy goals, but will spur robust employment opportunities for American workers in the construction industry, as well as related industries.” (United Association letter to President Obama, 6/11/2010)
NEWFIELD EXPLORATION COMPANY: “KXL is important for America’s domestic energy security, not only because it will deliver crude to U.S. markets from our closest ally and neighbor, Canada, but because it will also facilitate the ongoing development of the Bakken formation within the Williston Basin in the United States of America.” (Newfield Exploration Company letter to U.S. State Department, 6/10/2010)
POLK COUNTY, TX JUDGE: “As county officials from the State of Texas, we strongly encourage the U.S. Department of State to approve an energy infrastructure project that not only will strengthen long-term energy security in the United States, but also will provide a powerful private sector economic stimulus to the communities along the pipeline route during its construction at a time when the economy continues to struggle.” (Judge John P. Thompson letter to U.S. State Department, 6/11/2010)