Gary McDowell Recieves Big Money from the Biggest Liberal
Good Morning,
If Michigan middle-class families ever had any doubt that Gary McDowell would be one of Nancy Pelosi’s loyal allies, they can look no further than his latest FEC report which shows McDowell accepting $7,000 from the controversial liberal leader. McDowell needs to explain why he would accept support from Pelosi who was a leading voice behind the $800 billion failed stimulus plan and $1 trillion government takeover of healthcare that has left Michigan’s middle-class families with nothing but pink slips and more debt.
NRCC Comment: “Michigan middle-class families will judge career politician Gary McDowell by his support of Nancy Pelosi’s job-killing agenda that has made our economy worse. Accepting donations from Pelosi simply reinforces how drastically out-of-touch McDowell is with Michigan voters.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Andrea Bozek