MADE IN DC: Dems’ Failed Policies Leave Americans Feeling Worse Off Than a Year Ago

January 19, 2012

 Dems’ Failed Policies Leave Americans Feeling Worse Off Than a Year Ago
New Gallup Poll Shows Half of Americans Feel Financially Worse Off, Pessimistic about Future

DC DEMOCRATS STILL DON’T GET IT: DNC Chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz absurdly claimed that the state of the economy has come a long way under Democrat leadership:
"’And I think anyone who looks at the economy knows we have come a long way, [said Wasserman Schultz]." (Craig Bannister, "‘Anyone’ Can See Economy’s Improving, DNC Chair Insists," CNS News, 10/5/11)
MADE IN WASHINGTON, DC: According to a recent Gallup poll, the "anyone" Wasserman Schultz was referring to is unclear as the percentage of Americans who feel worse off financially is at highest level since 1976:
"The extent to which Americans are suffering financially because of the nation’s protracted economic downturn is evident in the large numbers — 49% — saying their personal finances are worse than a year ago. With barely 3 in 10 saying their finances are better, this is among the worst evaluations Americans have given of their finances since Gallup began measuring this in 1976." (Lydia Saad, "Half in U.S. Feel Worse Off Financially,’ Gallup, 1/18/2012)
