Democrat Fairness Decoder Ring: Keeping Political Payback Alive, Holding on to Corzine Cash and Not Paying Their Taxes = Fair.

January 27, 2012

Democrats Think It’s Fair to Rely On Scandal-Tainted Bundlers Tied to Solyndra and Keep Corzine Cash While Obama Team Owes More than $800,000 in Back Taxes

  • President Obama used his State of the Union speech to talk about “fairness,” but Obama is being unfair to American taxpayers by relying on a scandal-tainted adviser involved in the Solyndra debacle to raise campaign cash for his re-elect.
  • The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee apparently also thinks it’s fair to keep $130,000 in donations from Obama’s “Wall Street Guy” Jon Corzine after Corzine’s now-bankrupt company lost $1.2 billion in funds from American farmers and families.
  • Even as Democrats use their “fairness” argument to double down on plans to raise taxes, new reports indicate that White House staff have underpaid their own taxes to the tune of $833,000.

President Obama used his State of the Union speech to talk about “fairness,” but Obama is being unfair to American taxpayers by relying on scandal-tainted adviser involved in the Solyndra debacle to raise campaign cash for his re-elect:

OBAMA RE-ELECT ONCE AGAIN RELYING ON SOLYNDRA ADVOCATE STEVE SPINNER TO BUNDLE CAMPAIGN CASH: “The list includes a number of venture capitalists, including former California Treasurer and gubernatorial candidate Steve Westly, and Steve Spinner, who was involved in the Solyndra debacle.”(Michelle Quinn, “Obama 2012 Campaign Enlists Technology Bigwigs,” Politico, 1/25/2012) 

STEVE SPINNER’S SOLYNDRA ROLE: DOE OFFICIAL AND “OBAMA FUNDRAISER PUSHED SOLYNDRA LOAN” DESPITE PLEDGE TO RECUSE HIMSELF; HIS WIFE WAS SOLYNDRA LOBBYIST: “Newly released emails show that Steve Spinner, a former Obama fundraiser who helped monitor a clean energy loan guarantee program, was more actively involved in a loan for Solyndra LLC than administration officials have acknowledged. … In the emails, Spinner repeatedly pushes Energy Department and White House budget officials to ensure that the loan was finalized before Biden’s planned trip. The loan closing was announced at the groundbreaking ceremony on Sept. 4, 2009.

“ ‘How — hard is this? What is he waiting for?’ Spinner wrote in an Aug, 28, 2009 email to a DOE official. ‘I have the OVP (Office of the Vice President) and WH (the White House) breathing down my neck on this. They are getting itchy to get involved.’” (Matthew Daly, “Obama Fundraiser Pushed Solyndra Loan,” Associated Press, 10/7/2011) 

OBAMA’S “GREEN” PROGRAM “INFUSED WITH POLITICS AT EVERY LEVEL”:“Meant to create jobs and cut reliance on foreign oil, Obama’s green-technology program was infused with politics at every level, The Washington Post found in an analysis of thousands of memos, company records and internal ­e-mails. Political considerations were raised repeatedly by company investors, Energy Department bureaucrats and White House officials.

“The records, some previously unreported, show that when warned that financial disaster might lie ahead, the administration remained steadfast in its support for Solyndra.” (Joe Stephens and Carol D. Leonnig, “Solyndra: Politics Infused Obama Energy Programs,” The Washington Post, 12/25/2011) 

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee apparently also thinks it’s fair to keep $130,000 in donations from Obama’s “Wall Street Guy” Jon Corzine after Corzine’s now-bankrupt company lost $1.2 billion in funds from American farmers and families:


FARMERS SUE JON CORZINE OVER MISSING MILLIONS”: “Montana farmers have filed a class action suit against former New Jersey governor Jon Corzine, charging that the failed financial firm run by Corzine stole millions from their accounts to pay off its spiraling debts, and that Corzine’s ‘single-minded obsession’ with making MF Global a big player on Wall Street led to the firm’s collapse. MF Global’s clients included 38,000 wheat farmers, cattle ranchers and others who ‘hedged’ their crop prices by placing millions in MF Global accounts.”(Cindy Galli, “Farmers Sue Jon Corzine Over Missing Millions,” ABC News, 1/9/2012) 

MF GLOBAL COLLAPSE “HITTING HARD ACROSS RURAL AMERICA” AS FARMERS “NERVOUSLY WAITING TO LEARN HOW MUCH MONEY THEY’VE LOST”: “The shock waves from the collapse of commodities trading firm MF Global Inc. are hitting hard across rural America, where farmers, ranchers and agricultural business owners are nervously waiting to learn how much money they’ve lost.”(Steve Karnowski, “Shock Waves from MF Global Collapse Felt on Farms,” Associated Press, 12/4/2011)


Corzine Personal Donations to House Democrats



Jim Cooper (D-TN)


Kathy Hochul (D-NY)


Rush Holt (D-NJ)


Nita Lowey (D-NY)


Ed Markey (D-MA)


George Miller (D-CA)


Jerrold Nadler (D-NY)


Frank Pallone (D-NJ)


Donald Payne (D-NJ)


Charlie Rangel (D-NY)


Steve Rothman (D-NJ)




(CQMoneyLine, accessed 1/8/2012)

“CORZINE: ‘I SIMPLY DO NOT KNOW WHERE THE MONEY IS’”: (Scott Patterson and Aaron Luchetti, “Corzine: ‘I Simply Do Not Know Where the Money Is,’” The Wall Street Journal, 12/8/2011)

“ANALYSIS: MF GLOBAL PROVES ENRON-ERA ACCOUNTING LIVES ON”: (Nanette Byrnes, “Analysis: MF Global Proves Enron-Era Accounting Lives On,” Reuters, 12/2/2011)

FBI INVESTIGATING HOW CORZINE’S COMPANY LOST CUSTOMER MONEY: (Paul Steinhauser, “RNC Calls on Obama to Return Corzine Contributions,” CNN, 11/3/2011)

$1.2 BILLION SIMPLY MISSING FROM MF GLOBAL ACCOUNTS: (Stephanie Condon, “Jon Corzine Grilled Over MF Global’s Failure, Missing $1.2 Billion,” CBS News, 12/8/2011)

AFTER OBAMA CALLED CORZINE “OUR WALL STREET GUY”: “The rollout also provided a showcase for Corzine, the former Goldman Sachs CEO whom Obama referred to as ‘our Wall Street guy’ at a meeting of Democratic governors in Chicago on Friday.” (Claire Heininger, “Corzine Profile Rises in Obama Camp,” The New Jersey Star-Ledger, 6/23/2008)

Even as Democrats use their “fairness” argument to double down on plans to raise taxes, new reports indicate that White House staff have underpaid their own taxes to the tune of $833,000:

“36 OBAMA AIDES OWE $833,000 IN BACK TAXES”: “How embarrassing this must be for President Obama, whose major speech theme so far this campaign season has been that every single American, no matter how rich, should pay their ‘fair share’ of taxes. …

“A new report just out from the Internal Revenue Service reveals that 36 of President Obama’s executive office staff owe the country $833,970 in back taxes. These people working for Mr. Fair Share apparently haven’t paid any share, let alone their fair share.” (Andrew Malcolm, “36 Obama Aides Owe $833,000 in Back Taxes,”Investor’s Business Daily, 1/26/2012)