New NRCC Website: “Cheri Tales” Exposes The Truth About Cheri Bustos

March 21, 2012

 New NRCC Website: “Cheri Tales” Exposes The Truth About Cheri Bustos
Tales Of A Politician That Will Say Anything To Distract Illinois Taxpayers From Her Job-Destroying Policies

Washington — The National Republican Congressional Committee launched a new website today welcoming Cheri Bustos, a Democrat politician running in Illinois’ 17th Congressional District, to the general election with the website The site chronicles Bustos’ record in a series of chapters highlighting her support of big-government policies that have made our economy worse.

“Cheri thinks Washington-knows-best, but Illinois middle-class families understand that her big-government solutions will hurt their pocketbooks and destroy jobs,” said NRCC Communications Director Paul Lindsay. “Illinois voters deserve to know the real Cheri Bustos who will punish middle-class families by supporting wasteful spending, drastic cuts to Medicare and job-destroying taxes hikes.”

