New NRCC TV Ad: Betty Sutton’s Dangerous Plan To Bankrupt Medicare in Order to Pay for ObamaCare

March 23, 2012

New NRCC TV Ad: Betty Sutton’s Dangerous Plan To Bankrupt Medicare in Order to Pay for ObamaCare
Ohio Democrat’s Big-Government Healthcare Takeover Loaded With Benefit Cuts And Ends In Medicare’s Bankruptcy

WASHINGTON — The National Republican Congressional Committee today released a television ad highlighting Betty Sutton’s dangerous support of the Democrats’ government healthcare takeover that will bankrupt Medicare and endanger seniors’ access to care. Sutton backed ObamaCare’s massive cuts to Medicare, limiting choices for seniors and forcing them to pay for them to pay for the Demcorats’ massive government overhaul.

“Betty Sutton has been steadfast in her backing of President Obama and Nancy Pelosi’s dangerous takeover of healthcare that was paid for with significant cuts to a Medicare program seniors depend on,” said NRCC Communications Director Paul Lindsay. “Not only would Sutton’s massive government healthcare takeover increase the national debt, it empowers unelected bureaucrats to deny seniors the care they need.”

The text for the ad is as follows:

ANNOUNCER: To grow old in America is to be one illness away from bankruptcy.

And Betty Sutton is making it worse.

Sutton backs a Democrat plan that the media says would “decimate Medicare.”

The Sutton-backed plan would lead to “political rationing” of healthcare taking choices away from seniors that would “shred the social safety net” and leave seniors vulnerable, at risk.

Call Betty Sutton.

Tell her to change her mind and fix Medicare.

The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.
