New NRCC TV Ad: What’s Happened to Colin Peterson? He’s Changed

March 29, 2012

 New NRCC TV Ad: What’s Happened to Collin Peterson? He’s Changed
Standing by Obama’s Failed Policies, Peterson Turns His Back On Minnesota Families

Washington — Collin Peterson has changed. That’s the focus of a new TV ad launched today by the National Republican Congressional Committee that holds Peterson accountable for turning his back on Minnesota families by voting to keep President Obama’s government takeover of healthcare that is jeopardizing Minnesotans’ access to and quality of care. Collin Peterson’s blind allegiance to the harmful Democrat agenda has burdened Minnesota families as they worry that he will continue to waste their hard-earned money to further promote President Obama’s big-government expansion.

“Regardless of the empty claims of fiscal conservatism he makes, Collin Peterson has changed,” said NRCC Communications Director Paul Lindsay. “The Collin Peterson who claimed to support a balanced budget is not the same Collin Peterson who continues to side with his party’s mindless spending habits and failed economic policies. Minnesota families are starting to wonder: ‘Whose side is Collin Peterson on these days?’”

The script for this ad is as follows:

ANNOUNCER: Collin Peterson’s website brags that he’s making sure that “…we stick to a balanced budget.”Peterson’s always called himself a fiscal conservative, but something’s happened…

Collin Peterson’s changed.

Peterson voted against the budget to cut spending and bring down the deficit.

And Peterson voted to keep President Obama’s takeover of healthcare, including his half a trillion dollar cut to Medicare.

Collin Peterson. He’s changed. He’s on their side.

DISCLAIMER: The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.

