CODE RED: ObamaCare’s Medicare Cuts Delayed Until After the Election
The Democrats’ Government Takeover Of Healthcare Slashes Medicare By $500 Billion, Including The Popular Medicare Advantage Program:
“But certain voters would surely notice one highly painful part of the law before then — namely, the way it guts the popular Medicare Advantage program. For years, 12 million seniors have relied on these policies, a more market-oriented alternative to traditional Medicare, without the aggravating gaps in coverage. But as part of its hundreds of billions in Medicare cuts, the Obama one-size-fits-all plan slashes reimbursement rates for Medicare Advantage starting next year — herding many seniors back into the government-run program.” (Benjamin E. Sasse and Charles Hurt, “An $8 billion trick?,” New York Post, 4/23/12)
But These Imminent Cuts Would Remind Voters Again Of ObamaCare’s Consequences, So The Administration Is Using $8 Billion In Taxpayer Funds To Delay Their Cuts Until After The Election:
“This political ticking time bomb could become the biggest ‘October Surprise’ in US political history. But the administration’s devised a way to postpone the pain one more year, getting Obama past his last election; it plans to spend $8 billion to temporarily restore Medicare Advantage funds so that seniors in key markets don’t lose their trusted insurance program in the middle of Obama’s re-election bid.” (Benjamin E. Sasse and Charles Hurt, “An $8 billion trick?,” New York Post, 4/23/12)
ObamaCare’s Medicare Cuts Delayed Until After the Election #gopcodered