NRCC Announces Fourth Round of Patriot Program Members

April 24, 2012

 NRCC Announces Fourth Round of Patriot Program Members
Program Will Aid Members as They Develop Winning Re-Election Campaigns

Washington — National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (R-TX) and Deputy Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR), the co-chairs of the Patriot Program, today announced the fourth round of Patriot Program members for the 2012 election cycle. The program is a rigorous, goal-oriented initiative that enables Members to stay on offense as they build winning re-election campaigns.

“The Patriot Program is about staying on offense by building strong and winning campaigns against Democrats and their agenda that bankrupts our nation,” said Chairman Sessions. “Patriot members have demonstrated the leadership and ability to wage aggressive campaigns based on rigorous goals and proven strategies for victory. I’m very proud of these Patriot members who are leading the fight for victory in 2012.”

Established in 2009, the Patriot Program empowers incumbent Members to build strong campaigns through measured benchmarks and accountability, including for fundraising, communications and grassroots organization. Patriot Program members can define strengths, address challenges early and build iron-clad campaigns for re-election.

“Every Member prepared for victory in November will strengthen a House Republican Majority that is committed to the American people’s priorities of cutting spending, reducing debt and creating jobs,” said Deputy Chairman Walden. “An iron-clad campaign spells defeat for Democrats vying to return Nancy Pelosi as Speaker, and I applaud the Patriot members for taking on the challenge of controlling the competitiveness of their races through the strength of their own campaigns.”

The NRCC is announcing the following Members as participants in the Patriot Program:

• Congressman Chip Cravaack (MN-08)
• Congresswoman Nan Hayworth (NY-18)
• Congressman Chris Gibson (NY-19)
• Congresswoman Ann Marie Buerkle (NY-24)
• Congressman Reid Ribble (WI-08)

To find out more click here.

In 2010, 40 Members successfully completed the Patriot Program, enabling the NRCC to focus 98.5 percent of Independent Expenditure resources on defeating Democrats to win the majority in the House of Representatives.
