MADE IN DC: Thanks to Dem Policies, Home Values, Ownership Hit New Record Lows

April 26, 2012

 Thanks to Dem Policies, Home Values, Ownership Hit New Record Lows
New Gallup Poll Shows American Families Are Suffering the Consequences of Dems’ Failed Housing Policies

DC DEMOCRATS STILL DON’T GET IT: DNC Chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz claimed that under Democrat leadership the economy has been on a path to recovery:

"And I think anyone who looks at the economy knows we have come a long way." (Craig Bannister, "‘Anyone’ Can See Economy’s Improving, DNC Chair Insists," CNS News, October 5, 2011)

MADE IN WASHINGTON, DC: Regardless of Wasserman Schultz’s distorted reality, a new Gallup poll highlights that Americans are still suffering from the collapse of the real estate market as home values and ownership reach lowest levels in over a decade:

"The 62% of Americans who say they own their own home marks a new low since Gallup began tracking self-reported homeownership in 2001."

"Fifty-three percent of Americans believe their house is worth more today than when they bought it, down significantly from 80% in 2008 and 92% in 2006." (Dennis Jacobe, "U.S. Homeownership Hits Decade Low," Gallup, April 26, 2012)
