Ann Kirkpatrick..closed-door negotiations
A new memo exposes the grimy details about the closed-door negotiations behind the passage of Ann Kirkpatrick’s big-government takeover of healthcare. Apparently, Democrat leaders were pushing special interest groups to help “thank” Ann Kirkpatrick, among other House Democrats, who voted for ObamaCare and against its repeal, choosing their government priorities over those of California families and seniors:
“Messina also forwarded the AARP a list of ‘top 25 targets list from house leadership’ that were ‘to get thanked with ads after the vote.’” (Energy and Commerce Staff, “Investigation Update: Closed-Door ObamaCare Negotiations,”House Energy and Commerce Committee, 6/8/2012)
Kirkpatrick has voted for ObamaCare which has forced families off their healthcare plans, caused premiums to spike and cut $500 billion from Medicare:
• Ann Kirkpatrick voted for ObamaCare. (Roll Call #165; Roll Call #167, 3/21/10)
NRCC Comment:“Arizona families have paid the price for Ann Kirkpatrick’s allegiance with special interests that ensure her own political handouts as healthcare premiums rise and jobs are destroyed under the takeover’s overbearing fees and mandates. It is clear Kirkpatrick prioritized political payback over the needs of her fellow Arizonans.” – NRCC spokesperson Daniel Scarpinato