Brandon Shaffer…rape victim?

June 22, 2012

Brandon Shaffer equal to a rape victim?

From the truth is stranger than fiction category… Colorado State Senate President Brandon Shaffer had the audacity to equate himself to a rape victim after a Denver Post editorial blamed his decision to run for Congress in Colorado’s District 4, while remaining in office, for stalling progress on one of his pet issues.

Shaffer’s meltdown as reported by the Post’s Curtis Hubbard:

I asked (Shaffer) what he thought about our editorial that blamed the GOP for their obstruction on the issue but also questioned the wisdom of Democrats having their top two leaders in the statehouse running for Congress. (Rep. Sal Pace, D-Pueblo, is challenging Rep. Scott Tipton, R-Cortez, in the 3rd CD. Pace has since stepped down as House minority leader.)

“What I thought when I read your piece — it’s a little bit like blaming the woman or saying to a woman she deserved it,” he said, apparently referencing victims of rape or sexual harassment.

The column concludes:

… As he moves forward this political season, Shaffer would do better to view himself through the lens of reality — he’s running for Congress at a time of hyperpartisanship — than in comparing himself to a victim of sex assault.