Brendan Mullen…multiple D.C. homes

June 22, 2012

Wanted to make sure you saw that the NRCC is out with a paid online ad today that highlights Washington Insider Brendan Mullen’s multiple D.C. homes. Strange that Brendan Mullen is running for Congress in Indiana, because Washington, D.C. sure seems like home…

Below please find some information that will help in your coverage of this new ad.

Howey Political Report: GOP Targets Mullen’s 3 DC Homes
“Brendan Mullen is running for Congress in Indiana, but the NRCC is running an ad against him saying he owns three homes in Washington, D.C. (Howey Politics Indiana). ‘Three houses owned by him and his family. Thousands in contributions from D.C. insiders just like him. Mullen’s Washington-based candidacy is highlighted in a new paid online ad released today by the National Republican Congressional Committee which is appearing on local websites. ‘With multiple homes in D.C. and none in Indiana, Washington insider Brendan Mullen is already swimming in the swamp with his big-spending Democrat friends. Indiana voters have gotta wonder: If Mullen’s elected, will they ever see him again?’ said NRCC spokeswoman Andrea Bozek.”

SCRIPT: Say! Brendan Mullen has quite a few homes. All of them pretty with nice garden gnomes. But none of them sit in the state that we live. Not one in Indiana, we cannot forgive. The homes that they own sit right in DC. Not one, not two, you guessed it all 3. Although he pretends that his home is yours. This DC insider has facts he ignores. He comes from the capital as you plainly see. Don’t send him to Congress, we beg and we plea. And don’t let him fool you, he likes to pretend. This liberals’ mission is spend, tax and spend.


NRCC QUOTE: “With multiple homes in D.C. and none in Indiana, Washington insider Brendan Mullen is already swimming in the swamp with his big-spending Democrat friends. Indiana voters have gotta wonder: If Mullen’s elected, will they ever see him again?”- NRCC Spokeswoman Andrea Bozek