Jim Matheson increase own salary
Will Jim Matheson vote today to increase his own congressional salary while at the same time raising taxes on the middle-class? If he listens to Obama and Pelosi, as he usually does, then probably. Many rank-and-file Democrats, like Matheson, are being pressured by President Obama and Leader Pelosi to oppose a job-creating bill that has growing bipartisan support.
If Jim Matheson decides to play D.C.’s political games today and votes against this jobs bill, it’s clear that he takes his marching orders from Obama and Pelosi, not his constituents who are urging him to create jobs and keep their taxes low. And with Matheson bragging about his support for Obama’s failed stimulus, it would be no surprise if he fell in-line with Democrats on yet another issue.
FREEZES SALARIES FOR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS: (“Sec. 5421: Extension of Pay Limitation for Federal Employees,” H.R. 3630: The Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act, House Committee on Ways and Means, Accessed 12/12/2011)
NRCC COMMENT: “If Jim Matheson opposes today’s bipartisan jobs bill, he’ll be hypocritically voting to give himself a raise while increasing taxes on working Utah families. Will Jim Matheson fight for jobs and tax relief at home or be another rubber stamp for Obama’s divisive political agenda?” – NRCC Spokesman Daniel Scarpinato