John Garamendi more liberal than Pelosi

June 22, 2012

As you know, John Garamendi recently was ranked as more liberal than Nancy Pelosi by the National Journal, and now he’s making sure to live up to the title.

Garamendi told the San Francisco Chronicle in an article published today that if ObamaCare is thrown out by the Supreme Court, he plans to go out and defend it on the campaign trail.

"If you tell people to do something, they’re unhappy, but if you take something away, they get really unhappy," said Rep. John Garamendi, D-Walnut Grove (Sacramento County), a close friend of Pelosi’s who was sworn in after a special election just in time for the health care vote in 2010.

If the law is entirely overturned, he said, "I personally would go to constituents and tell them what they have lost as a result of what the Supreme Court and the Republicans did."

“First Garamendi was exposed as more liberal than Nancy Pelosi, and now he’s doubling-down on his support for ObamaCare. California voters are quickly learning that Garamendi’s extreme record is out-of-step with their concerns.” – NRCC Spokesman Daniel Scarpinato