Christie Vilsack – Continuing President’s Agenda

June 25, 2012

 After telling Iowans for months that she’s “running to be a problem-solver” (but with no solutions to offer) Christie Vilsack’s cover has been blown. Vilsack was caught on tape recently saying she wants to move forward with the President’s agenda.

Christie Vilsack: “We will stand together and win the Fourth District and the Third District and the Second District and the First District and take those 25 seats for Congress and then we’ll move forward with the President’s agenda.” (Radio Iowa, 11/19/2011)

So Christie, what part of Obama’s job-destroying agenda do you want to “move forward”? The wasteful $800 billion stimulus that failed to create the jobs promised or the government takeover of healthcare that cut $500 billion from Medicare? Please consider this comment from the NRCC as you cover Vilsack’s promise to do everything in her power to continue Obama’s failed economic policies that have destroyed jobs and shrunk Iowans’ pocketbooks:

NRCC Comment: “Unlike Christie Vilsack, Iowans know all too well that Obama’s agenda has been a complete and utter failure. With Iowa families facing unacceptably high unemployment, they can’t afford to have Vilsack continue to support Obama’s economic failure.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Andrea Bozek