Christie Vilsack rubber stamp for Pelosi

June 25, 2012

If you had any doubt that Christie Vilsack would be a rubber-stamp for San Francisco-Nancy Pelosi liberal values, look no further than her recent fundraiser in… SAN FRANCISCO?? In case you were curious San Francisco is 1,883 miles away from Ames, Iowa. Instead of coming clean with Iowa middle-class families about her big-government, big-spending priorities, Vilsack has chosen to spend her time promising San Francisco liberals she will continue Nancy Pelosi’s reckless spending and borrowing. There is a reason Vilsack feels more comfortable talking about her liberal policies in the most liberal city in America.

Please consider the following comment from the NRCC as you cover Vilsack’s recent San Francisco fundraiser:

“Christie Vilsack would rather hobnob with her San Francisco liberal friends than explain to Iowa middle-class families why she is supporting President Obama’s failed economic policies that have left Iowa families with fewer jobs and more debt.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Andrea Bozek