Leonard Boswell vote against disaster relief

June 25, 2012

Wanted to draw your attention to Leonard Boswell’s disappointing vote last night against disaster relief that would have provided critical aid to Iowa families hit by the recent Missouri River flooding. While Congressman Latham is fighting to provide farmers and families with necessary relief for those still recovering from the flooding crisis, Boswell is more interested in protecting taxpayer funded electric cars.

Please consider the following comment as you ask Leonard Boswell why he is putting electric vehicles before struggling Iowa farmers, families and communities.

NRCC Comment: “This is just the latest example of Leonard Boswell putting Nancy Pelosi before Iowa families by choosing to protect taxpayer funding for electric cars over providing necessary assistance for Iowans still trying to recover from the historic devastating flooding. Iowa families are fed up with Boswell’s unconditional support for Pelosi’s wasteful taxpayer boondoggles that will unnecessarily punish Iowa farmers, families and communities.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Andrea Bozek

New York Times: Parties Clash on Disaster Funding as House Seeks Clean-Tech Cuts. “Disaster funding became a key point in the budget battle after Republicans released a plan late Wednesday stripping $1.5 billion from a program advancing electric and hybrid cars in exchange for providing $1 billion in emergency aid to states reeling from natural catastrophes. The plan angered Democrats, who are defending clean energy initiatives tainted by the collapse of a government-sponsored solar manufacturer, Solyndra, last month.” (New York Times, 9/16/2011)