Obamacare – Opposition

June 25, 2012

 The Obama administration is under increasing criticism for a ruling handed down recently as part of Obamacare. Under this ruling, the Catholic Church is required to pay for contraceptives and other coverage even if it interferes with the church’s mission and faith. The move would shut off millions of dollars in funding for Catholic charitable organizations that provide help to struggling families, the sick and elderly and other needy Americans who benefit from their good works.

This is an opportunity to highlight your opposition to ObamaCare and how it amounts to a total government takeover of healthcare. It is important to frame this ruling as a violation of religious freedom and the First Amendment, and yet another example of big-government intrusion by this administration into our everyday lives.

And this is just the beginning. What’s next? What else didn’t the President and Congress tell us was in this bill?

We had to “pass the bill to find out what’s in it.” Well, now we are learning more about how its expansion of government is intruding into everyday life.

“The one sure thing to expect is more unpleasant surprises. This unpopular health-care bill was drafted in back rooms in Washington and passed with parliamentary tricks and political bribery by an administration that once promised that health-care reform would televised on C-SPAN. Instead, as former Speaker of the U.S. House Nancy Pelosi famously said: ‘We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of controversy.’ A large plurality of Americans, often approaching a majority, has disliked the bill from the start, and this recent development and those to come are unlikely to change their view.” Columbus Dispatch, 2/7/2012

So much for that line about getting to keep your coverage if you like it.

“Among other things, it was the latest sign that President Obama’s infamous promise about his health-care reform — that you could keep your present coverage if you liked it — was an example of active deception.” Atlanta Journal Constitution, 1/31/2012

This is another expansion of big government, with the federal government now telling religious groups what they can and can’t do.

“Catholic groups, including some friendly to the White House, are loudly objecting… Their accusation is that Mr. Obama is waging a war on religious freedoms. They argue that the president’s decision on contraception can be seen as an expansion of efforts to extend the reach and power of the federal government, even into the affairs of religious groups.” New York Times, 2/7/2012)

“It is now a requirement of Obamacare that every Catholic institution larger than a single church — and even including some single churches — must pay for contraceptives, sterilization, and morning-after abortifacients for its employees. Each of these is directly contrary to the Catholic faith. But the Obama administration does not care. They have said, in effect, Do what we tell you — or else.” Weekly Standard, 2/7/2012

This was a decision driven by ideology. Once again, Obama put his extremist supporters above what’s right for the country.

“Clergy officials have lambasted Obama’s move, which was hailed by abortion-rights groups. Political analysts say the tension between the Catholic Church and Obama could hamper the president’s bid for a second term. Republicans running for the White House have repeatedly criticized Obama in recent days.” The Hill, 2/6/2012

“The Catholic Church was told this week that its institutions can’t be Catholic anymore. I invite you to imagine the moment we are living in without the church’s charities, hospitals and schools. And if you know anything about those organizations, you know it is a fantasy that they can afford millions in fines. There was no reason to make this ruling—none. Except ideology.” Wall Street Journal, (2/5/2012)