Ben Chandler –

June 26, 2012

 I’m so in love with you… whatever you want to do… it’s alright with me… I’ll never be untrue… let’s stay together… or at least that’s what Ben Chandler and his House Democrat colleagues sang to President Obama on Friday during their taxpayer funded retreat on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

Yup, that actually happened. American Idol – Congress edition. Friday afternoon House Democrats recorded a rendition of Al Green’s love song – Let’s Stay Together and gave it to the President before he spoke to the gathering.

Enterprising reporters should ask Chandler if part of his official office budget – taxpayer money – went to fund a recording of House Democrats serenading the President with a love song.

As you cover the Democrats’ confession of their love for the President, please consider the following quote:

NRCC Comment: “Ben Chandler may think it’s fun and games to serenade the President with love songs, but it’s no laughing matter.  Chandler’s blind support for President Obama and his job-crushing policies shows just how drastically out of touch he is with the values and needs of his constituents.” – NRCC Spokesman Nat Sillin