Campaigning on ObamaCare

July 2, 2012

Campaigning on ObamaCare

As you know, the Supreme Court declared yesterday that the individual mandate, a central component of ObamaCare, is a massive tax increase. Sadly the individual mandate is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the government healthcare takeover. The decision underscores why your campaign for Congress is so critical. The only way to stop ObamaCare is to defeat your Democrat opponents who have defended ObamaCare at every turn.

We have some ideas that will help you get this message out over these next few days:

  • Tracking. We have seen already that Democrats put their foot in their mouths and are “toasting” to government being in control of our healthcare. Getting your opponent on camera with their reaction is critical. Please keep in contact with us so we can help bracket your opponent. Many of your TV ads this fall will feature this footage.
  • Fundraise. Mitt Romney raised $4.2 million online since the ruling was announced. Congressional candidate Andy Barr raised $10,000 yesterday. See below for a good sample fundraising email.
  • On Offense. Local press folks are looking for some local flavor on the ruling. Consider hosting a small business roundtable and meetings with healthcare professionals to ensure your message is heard without Democrat-allied groups interrupting.

Please let us know if you have any questions. We will continue to work with you to ensure Democrats are held accountable for their government healthcare takeover.

All best,

Subject: This isn’t over


This is an important day in American history.

ObamaCare has been ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court, and it’s here to stay – unless, you and I stop it.

The only way left to prevent ObamaCare from taking effect is to repeal it. And that’s not going to happen if we elect the same people who voted for it, like my opponent Ann Kirkpatrick.

Make no mistake, Democrats are celebrating this ruling. Kirkpatrick already called it ‘a win.’ Nancy Pelosi is seen cheering the decision in photos from today. And President Obama is declaring this a major victory in his efforts to take over our healthcare decisions.

Their message is clear: Move on. Deal with it. ObamaCare is here to stay.

I say, No Way.

You know what I know: This law infringes on individual freedom and liberty. It bankrupts our country. It cuts Medicare. And it institutes massive taxes on Americans.

You and I can stop it. But we’ve got to win this election first. And I need your help to cross the finish line.

Will you please donate $10 or more today and help me stop ObamaCare and Barack Obama’s other liberal policies? Our country needs us!

Let’s get this done,

Jonathan Paton