#IWantRepeal Because Democrats Will Never “Change”

July 11, 2012

Democrats Are Poised to Again Defend Their Disastrous Government Takeover of Healthcare that Has Increased Healthcare Costs, Hiked Taxes and Hurt Small Businesses 

  • The House will vote today to repeal ObamaCare, giving Democrats yet another chance to disavow their disastrous government takeover of healthcare.
  • Democrats once ran for office promising hope and change, and Americans now believe the Democrats’ policies do represent “change” — for the worse.
  • The only way to stop ObamaCare’s billion dollar tax increases, its cuts to Medicare and its rising costs is to fire the Democrats who are standing in the way of repealing their healthcare disaster.

The House will vote today to repeal ObamaCare, giving Democrats yet another chance to disavow their disastrous government takeover of healthcare:

HOUSE TO VOTE ON REPEALING OBAMACARE ON WEDNESDAY: “House Republicans launched an all-out assault Tuesday against President Barack Obama’s signature health care reform law, holding a series of committee hearings and other events ahead of a planned vote Wednesday on repealing the measure.” (Tom Cohen, “House Republicans Launch All-Out Assault on Health Care Law,” CNN, 7/10/2012)

ONLY ONE DEMOCRAT HAS DEFECTED TO SUPPORT OBAMACARE REPEAL SO FAR: “Already, one politically vulnerable Democrat, Rep. Larry Kissell (N.C.), has said he will vote to repeal the healthcare law after opposing the same measure a year ago.” (Elise Viebeck and Russell Berman, “GOP: Vulnerable Democrats Will Back Healthcare Law Repeal Vote,” The Hill, 7/10/2012)

Democrats once ran for office promising hope and change, and Americans now believe the Democrats’ policies do represent “change” — for the worse:

REMEMBER THAT HOPE AND CHANGE THING?: “In a session themed ‘Change You Can Believe In,’ a top Obama campaign staple, the Democratic nominee will claim his party’s nod with a speech certain to reinforce campaign themes of hope and change.” (Andrew Taylor, “Obama to Stress Hope and Change in Speech,” Associated Press, 8/28/2008)

56% THINK THAT CHANGE “HAS BEEN FOR WORSE”: “A poll conducted for The Hill shows that a majority of likely voters say that President Barack Obama has delivered the change he told voters he promised he would in 2008. Unfortunately for the President, most voters say that change was for the worse. The Hill poll showed 56 percent of likely voters believe that Obama has changed the nation in a negative way compared to 35 percent who say change under Obama has been positive.” (Noah Rothman, “Poll: Majority Says ‘Change’ Under Obama Has Been for Worse,” Mediaite, 7/9/2012)

GALLUP: 46% THINK OBAMACARE WILL HURT THE ECONOMY, 37% THINK IT WILL HELP: (Frank Newport, “Americans See More Economic Harm Than Good in Health Law,” Gallup, 7/5/2012)

ABC NEWS/WASHINGTON POST: 52% DISAPPROVE OF OBAMA ON HEALTHCARE: “[Obama’s] overall job rating is 47-49 percent, approve-disapprove (the same as in May). It’s majority negative on his handling of the economy, 44-54 percent; health care, 41-52 percent (a numerical low in approval, with no bump from last month’s Supreme Court ruling); and immigration, 38-52 percent (also bumpless despite his initiative halting enforcement against many illegal immigrants who arrived as minors).” (Gary Langer, “Dead Heat in Voter Preferences Presages an Epic Battle Ahead,” ABC News, 7/10/2012)

THE SOUND OF SILENCE: “STILL NO HEALTHCARE IN WEEKLY ADDRESS”: “It tells you at least a little about the politics of health care that in the two weekly presidential addresses since then, ‘Obamacare’ has not made an appearance. Today’s address focused on the passage of legislation to block an increase in student loan rates. Last week — in the immediate wake of the ACA ruling — Obama’s topic was the Colorado wildfires.” (Alexander Burns, “Still No Health Care in Weekly Address,” Politico, 7/7/2012)


OBAMA ON OBAMACARE: “THE LAW I PASSED IS HERE TO STAY”: (Zeke Miller, “Obama on Health Care: ‘The Law I Passed is Here to Stay,’” Buzzfeed, 7/5/2012)

OBAMA SAYS TIME TO “MOVE FORWARD” WITH OBAMACARE: “With today’s announcement, it’s time for us to move forward — to implement and, where necessary, improve on this law.” (“TRANSCRIPT: Obama Remarks on the Supreme Court Decision Upholding Health Care Law,” Fox News, 6/28/2012)

DCCC CHAIRMAN STEVE ISRAEL SAYS AMERICANS SUFFERING UNDER OBAMACARE NEED TO “MOVE ON”: “Today’s ruling isn’t a political victory for Democrats, it’s a victory for America’s middle class and seniors, and now House Republicans need to drop their partisan obstruction and move on.” (“DCCC Chairman Steve Israel’s Statement on Supreme Court Decision Upholding Health Care Reform,” DCCC, 6/28/2012)

The only way to stop ObamaCare’s billion dollar tax increases, its cuts to Medicare and its rising costs is to fire the Democrats who are standing in the way of repealing their healthcare disaster:

21 OBAMACARE TAX HIKES IN EFFECT OR ON THE WAY: (“Supreme Court’s Health Law Decision Leaves in Place 21 Tax Hikes Costing More Than $675 Billion,” House Committee on Ways and Means, 6/28/2012)  

CBO AND JOINT COMMITTEE ON TAXATION: AT LEAST 75% OF MANDATE PENALTIES WILL FALL ON INDIVIDUALS MAKING UNDER $60K AND FAMILIES MAKING UNDER $120K: (“Estimated Distribution Of Individual Mandate Penalties Under The Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act,” Congressional Budget Office & Joint Committee On Taxation, 11/20/09)  

NEW ESTIMATE OF JUST PART OF THE OBAMACARE TAX HIKES IS ALREADY AT LEAST $675 BILLION: (Thomas A. Barthold, “Revenue Estimates,” Joint Committee on Taxation, 6/15/2012)

BUT TOTAL TAX INCREASE COULD EXCEED $804 BILLION: (“Supreme Court’s Health Law Decision Leaves in Place 21 Tax Hikes Costing More Than $675 Billion,” House Committee on Ways and Means, 6/28/2012)

$500 BILLION CUT FROM MEDICARE SO DEMOCRATS COULD PAY FOR OBAMACARE: “It would cut an additional $60 billion from Medicare, bringing total cuts to the program to more than $500 billion over the next 10 years.” (Shailagh Murray and Lori Montgomery, “With Senate ‘Fixes’ Bill, GOP Sees Last Chance to Change Health-Care Reform,” The Washington Post, 3/24/2012)

$340 BILLION ADDED TO THE DEFICIT BY OBAMACARE, ACCORDING TO MEDICARE TRUSTEE: (Lori Montgomery, “Health-care Law Will Add $340 Billion to Deficit, New Study Finds,” The Washington Post, 4/9/2012)

$1.76 TRILLION COST TO GOVERNMENT OVER THE NEXT 10 YEARS: (Phillip Klein, “CBO: ObamaCare to Cost $1.76 Trillion Over 10 Years,” The Washington Examiner, 3/13/2012)

CBO: OBAMACARE TO COST 800,000 JOBS: Director Elmendorf: Yes. The way I would put it is that we do estimate, as you said, that…employment will be about 160 million by the end of the decade.  Half a percent of that is 800,000.” (Jeffrey H. Anderson, “CBO Director Says ObamaCare Would Reduce Employment by 800,000 Workers,” The Weekly Standard, 2/10/2011)