MADE IN DC: The Cost of Dem Leadership: $1 Trillion Deficit For Fourth Straight Year

July 13, 2012

 The Cost of Dem Leadership: $1 Trillion Deficit For Fourth Straight Year
Dems Can’t Blame Anyone Else for their Reckless Spending Habits Crushing Economic Recovery

DC DEMOCRATS STILL DON’T GET IT: President Obama Accuses Republicans Of Running Up The National Debt:

“’I inherited a trillion dollar deficit. It’s like somebody goes to a restaurant, orders a big steak dinner, a martini and all that stuff, then just as you’re sitting down, they leave, and accuse you of running up the tab,’ Obama said.”
(“Obama: Debt, deficits were ‘baked into the cake’,” Politico, 6/12/2012)

MADE IN WASHINGTON, DC: Washington Democrats Refuse to Sacrifice Their Addiction of Taxing, Spending and Borrowing as Americans Struggle with Unemployment Over 8 Percent for Forty-One Consecutive Months:

“The U.S. budget deficit grew by nearly $60 billion in June, remaining on track to exceed $1 trillion for the fourth straight year.

“Through the first nine months of the budget year, the federal deficit totaled $904.2 billion, the Treasury Department reported Thursday.” (“US government records $904.2B deficit through June,” Associated Press, 7/12/2012)
