Cheri Tales Chapter 12: Tale of the Mad -Taxer

July 19, 2012

Welcome to Chapter 12 of
Cheri Tales. As you know, Cheri Tales is a collection of stories and fables about a desperate politician who will say and do anything to get elected. This troubling tale focuses on Cheri Bustos, a Democrat candidate running in IL-17 and her desire to banish jobs forever.

As an East Moline Alderman, Cheri Bustos has a history of pushing tax and spend policies that destroyed jobs in her own community. Now she wants to take her job-destroying show on the road to Washington so all of America can experience the Cheri Bustos economic meltdown.


In September of 2011 Cheri Bustos said, “I am proud of the record of success in East Moline over the past 4 ½ years”and that East Moline had made strides in economic development. 

But during Bustos’ four years as an alderman on the city council, unemployment rose from 4.3 percent to 7.4 percent, an increase of 72 percent according to the City of East Moline Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.

While unemployment was soaring throughout her community, Cheri Bustos was right there to ensure Illinois families would face even more taxes and more fees.


In 2010, Cheri Bustos wrote, “Earlier this week, it was Standing Room Only at our City Council chambers. Every seat was filled, and then some, with residents concerned about their water and sewer bills. Not one person came to the microphone to express support of an increase.” 

Yet she voted to increase water and sewer rates on East Moline citizens regardless of their pleas. If Cheri Bustos has her way in Washington she will be fighting against Illinois families on a grander scale.

NRCC Statement: “Cheri Bustos has worked against Illinois families every step of the way. Under her watch unemployment skyrocketed while she pushed for more taxes on Illinois families. We can’t afford Cheri Bustos’ job-destroying policies in Washington.
– NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Prill