With friends like Nancy’s…

July 31, 2012

Well, it looks like one good thing came out of Congressman Charlie Wilson’s time in Congress: he made friendships for a lifetime. As Politico reports, Charlie Wilson is in Washington today “in search of big D.C. cash” and is “getting serious help from some D.C. friends.”

Nancy Pelosi must really want her buddy (read: rubberstamp) back in Congress. After all, Wilson didn’t ask questions when Pelosi told him to vote for ObamaCare, hundreds of billions of dollars in wasteful stimulus spending, and the Wall Street bailout.

“As Charlie Wilson collects cash from his DC lobbyist friends, Ohioans are suffering from the Pelosi-Wilson agenda of more energy regulations, more spending, and less jobs. Wilson might be popular in Nancy Pelosi’s crowd, but he will find a far different reality back in Ohio.”- NRCC spokeswoman Christyn Keyes