NRCC Launches New Website and Online Ads: “Carol Shea-Partisan”

August 6, 2012

New Hampshire Partisan Puts Washington First, Constituents Last

Washington — Today, the National Republican Congressional Committee launched a new website,, and began running online ads highlighting Carol Shea-Porter’s extreme partisan record. In 2010, voters booted Shea-Porter from office for turning her back on New Hampshire by putting partisan allegiance ahead of Granite State interests. Now, Shea-Porter is seeking re-election trying to hide her extreme partisanship that voters have already rejected once.

“This is only the beginning of our campaign to ensure New Hampshire voters are aware of Shea-Porter’s record and the consequences of returning her to Washington,” said NRCC Communications Director Paul Lindsay. “Granite State voters want an independent voice that puts them first, not an extreme partisan like Shea-Porter.”

Images of the website and Facebook ads can be found here:
