McDowell Must Be Stopped

August 12, 2012

The Supreme Court decided today that ObamaCare is Constitutional and the Individual Mandate is a tax on the American people. The overly intrusive and Medicare killing healthcare law is here to stay unless Michigan families vote once again to keep Gary McDowell out of Congress.

Even though Northern Michigan families are saying no to ObamaCare, Gary McDowell remains committed to his goal of putting government in charge of their healthcare.

“But McDowell defends the Obama plan, which was in danger of failing until Stupak delivered a handful of votes from House Democrats who had feared it would allow federal funding of abortions. (…) “For the first time we are actually going to require people to be responsible for their health care,’ McDowell said.” (John Flesher, “GOP tries to seize opportunity with Stupak gone,” Associated Press, Oct. 17, 2010)

NRCC Statement: “In order to regain control of their own healthcare, Michigan families must reject Gary McDowell. Nancy Pelosi and Gary McDowell will continue their government takeover of healthcare unless voters stop them this November.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Prill