Cheri Tales Chapter 16: Bragging About Failure

August 13, 2012

Welcome to Chapter 16 of Cheri Tales. As you know, Cheri Tales is a collection of stories and fables about a desperate politician who will say and do anything to get elected. This troubling tale focuses on Cheri Bustos and her support of the Medicare crushing healthcare law.

Over the weekend Barack Obama’s Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter was caught touting the president’s huge cuts to Medicare on Face the Nation. Unapologetically Cutter bragged about the $700 billion cuts to Medicare – cuts supported by Cheri Bustos –with no care for the seniors affected.
“On top of the savings we’ve already achieved. You know I heard Mitt Romney deride the $700 billion cuts in Medicare that the president achieved through health care reform,” said Cutter. (Watch the full clip here)

As you cover the debate over Medicare, it’s vital to keep in mind that ObamaCare cut a now estimated $740 billion from the program.

NRCC Statement: “Cheri Bustos’ support of a policy that cuts almost a trillion dollars from Medicare is irresponsible. While Illinois seniors want solutions to preserve and protect Medicare, Cheri Bustos supports a plan that pushes Medicare toward bankruptcy faster and puts care for seniors at risk.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Prill