MADE IN DC: ObamaCare: A Prescription Doctors Don’t Want Filled

August 13, 2012

Democrats’ Health Care Overhaul A Threat To Overburdened Physicians And Unhappy Patients

DC DEMOCRATS STILL DON’T GET IT: President Obama Promised That Americans Can Keep Their Doctors Under Democrats’ Health Care Takeover:

“And that means that no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.” (Mary Lu Carnevale, “Obama: ‘If You Like Your Doctor, You Can Keep Your Doctor’,” Wall Street Journal, 6/15/20)

MADE IN WASHINGTON, DC: Yet A Recent Survey Revealed That 83 Percent Of Physicians Surveyed Are Thinking Of Quitting Because Of Obamacare, And 90 Percent Feel That The U.S. Health Care System Is Headed In the Wrong Direction:

” We want to help our patients but all too often the test or treatment we order is challenged by an insurer. This past week alone I had to argue for three life saving medications and four crucial tests that were initially denied…

“The time of greedy doctors is long past. Today’s doctors struggle to maintain quality of care, to continue to provide you the patient with the best treatments and technologies available. When we can no longer do this effectively it will be you the patient who suffers the most,” ( Mark Siegel, “Will Your Doctor Quit? Obamacare Foretells Mass Exodus From Patient Care,” Forbes, 8/12/2012)
