Arizona Candidates Achieve ‘On the Radar’ Status

August 16, 2012

For Immediate Release Contact Press Office
August 16, 2012 (202) 479-70

Arizona Candidates Achieve ‘On the Radar’ Status

Four Republican Candidates Take Steps Toward ‘Young Gun’ Status

Washington The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) today announced its newest round of ‘On the Radar’ candidates. By reaching the second step of the four-step ‘Young Guns’ program, these Republican candidates have reached the fundamental benchmarks to place them on the road to victory. Now, these fourcandidates are ready to take on the Democrat establishment and return fiscal sanity to Washington.
“These candidates have worked hard to meet the benchmarks that have been laid out before them and are determined to hold Washington Democrats accountable this November,” said NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions (R-TX). “American taxpayers are tired of watching the Democrat majority spend this country deeper into recession while they have been forced to tighten their belts. With American families desperate for change, these four candidates are determined to rein in reckless spending, cut taxes and return the economy back to a state of vitality.”Originally founded in the 2007-2008 election cycle by Reps. Eric Cantor (R-VA), Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Paul Ryan (R-WI) as a member-driven organization, the Young Guns program has become an official NRCC effort dedicated to electing open-seat and challenger candidates nationwide. Reps. Cantor, McCarthy and Ryan remain actively involved in the Young Guns program, working together to recruit and prime conservative leaders for victory.

After reaching the second step of the four-step program, these ‘On the Radar’ candidates now face a new set of rigorous benchmarks that will continue to help them build competitive, effective and winning campaigns. 

The NRCC’s ‘On the Radar’ Candidates Are:
·         Martha McSally (AZ-02)
·         Vernon Parker (AZ-09)
·         Wendy Rogers (AZ-09)
·         Martin Sepulveda (AZ-09)
For more information, click here
Arizona Candidates Achieve ‘On the Radar’ Status  #YG