pass or fail?

September 5, 2012

Cheri Bustos has aligned herself with Barack Obama on almost every issue. Yesterday while in Colorado, Obama was asked what he would give himself as a grade for the last four years and his answer was an “incomplete.”  Seeing Cheri Bustos quit her job as an East Moline Alderwoman, raised taxes and fees on her community and left the city with a 72 percent increase in unemployment, Illinois families are wondering what grade Cheri Bustos would give herself.

NRCC Statement: “Cheri Bustos doesn’t deserve a failing grade – not yet. She deserves an incomplete for quitting her job and not doing what was best for her community. If sent to Washington, Illinois families can rest assured she will join Barack Obama and turn that incomplete into an F by bringing the same failed tax and spend policies to Washington that sent East Moline into a spiral of unemployment and debt.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Prill