New NRCC TV Ad on Cheri Bustos

September 10, 2012

If you are Cheri Bustos this morning you probably have already taken a drive down Bustos’ Boulevard. What’s Bustos’ Boulevard? It is a road that Cheri Bustos spent over a half a million taxpayer dollars to improve that connects the street she lives on to the local country club. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all be an East Moline Alderwoman and spend over a half a million dollars on special roadways connecting us to our friends down at the club?

Over the weekend, a new NRCC ad hit the airwaves against Cheri Bustos and her tax and spend ways. While Cheri was raising taxes and fees on her community in East Moline, she was also spending tons of taxpayer dollars to improve Bustos’ Boulevard.

Below please find the script and click HERE to watch the ad.

ANNOUNCER: Politicians looking out for themselves.

No shortage of that in Illinois.

Just look at Cheri Bustos.

She voted to spend $625,000 in taxpayer money to improve a road that connects the street she lives on to the local country club.

Bustos got the boulevard.

Taxpayers got the bill.

Cheri Bustos.

Just another politician looking out  for herself.

DISCLAIMER: The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.

NRCC Statement: “Cheri Bustos is a career politician looking out for only herself. She spent over a half a million taxpayer dollars to improve one street which connects her home to the neighborhood country club. Cheri Bustos only looks out for number one and Illinois families can’t afford her reckless spending sprees in Washington.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Prill