September 12, 2012


As the Boston Globe stated, “the general election is shaping up to be 2010, take two.” Just like in 2010, Granite State voters will elect candidates who fight for common sense solutions. And just like in 2010, voters in New Hampshire will vote for congressional candidates that will support a pro-growth agenda and economic stability. After sending congressional Democrats packing in 2010, voters will once again protect themselves from left-wing policies that have made a bad economy worse with priorities like their big-government takeover of healthcare and their irresponsible $831 billion failed stimulus package.

National Republicans are bullish about their prospects in the Granite State, taking nothing for granted after sweeping the state’s House seats in the 2010 election. Democrat challengers have had their radical, partisan agendas exposed and this has helped highlight Republican candidates as independent, job-focused public servants that Granite Staters will once again be confident in supporting.


NH-01: Rep. Frank Guinta (R) vs. Carol Shea-Porter (D)

According to The Rothenberg Political Report, Frank Guinta has the “edge in this race” as he takes on already rejected former Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter who is looking to retake the seat. Guinta’s ability to champion his constituents’ priorities from Manchester’s City Hall to Capitol Hill keeps him in a strong position to fend off Shea-Porter’s challenge. With a focus on his “Getting Granite Staters Back to Work” jobs initiative, Frank Guinta has been determined to make opportunities available by not letting Washington bureaucrats burden the state with more taxes and more debt.

It didn’t take New Hampshire long to realize that they had made a mistake with Carol Shea-Porter. To remind them of why they kicked her out in 2010, the NRCC launched a campaign earlier this year, including online ads highlighting Shea-Porter’s hyper-partisan record. In Congress, she voted the party line – voting for the liberal Democrats’ failed $831 billion stimulus and ObamaCare. Voters rejected Shea-Porter once already and with the contrast between candidates in this moderate district – they are likely to do so again.

District Facts: PVI EVEN, Guinta won this district in 2010 53.4% to 42.7%. The Cook Political Report rates this race as Republican Toss Up. The Rothenberg Political Report rates this race as Lean Republican.  The NRCC has reserved $2.23 million of air time in the Boston media market. This district is made up of the southeastern part of New Hampshire including Greater Manchester, the Seacoast and the Lakes Region.

NH-02: Rep. Charlie Bass (R) vs. Ann McLane Kuster (D)

A Granite State native, Charlie Bass began his record of serving New Hampshire as a successful small businessman. The crushing regulatory burdens his small business continually faced inspired Bass to run for public office. Before serving in Congress from 1994 – 2006 and again from 2010 to the present, Bass was both a State Representative and State Senator. Throughout his service, Bass has worked as an independent advocate of small businesses, fiscal conservatism and the environment. A tireless champion of protecting his state’s pristine environment, Bass promotes clean, alternative energy solutions as a member of the esteemed House Energy and Commerce Committee with emphasis on moving the country toward energy independence.

Charlie Bass’ past electoral success has earned him the reputation of engaging a faithful following as his polices have synced well with the needs of the district.

Extreme liberal Ann McLane Kuster’s desperate campaign has become known for using dirty tactics and cheap tricks. Even PolitiFact said Kuster “distorts” Bass’ record for political gain. She is too liberal for this moderate district, even siding further left on issues than President Obama. However, Kuster is ready to do whatever it takes in order to get to Washington to support her party’s failed taxing, borrowing and spending agenda.

District Facts: PVI D+3, The Cook Political Report rates this races as Republican Toss Up. The Rothenberg Political Report rates this race as Toss Up/Tilt Democrat. The NRCC has reserved $2.23 million of air time in the Boston media market. The second district includes Cheshire, Sullivan, Coos and Graftson counties as well as parts of Belknap, Hillsborough and Merrimack counties.


The following are the unofficial results from Tuesday’s primary election in New Hampshire. These results are unofficial and incomplete.

*Indicates Winner determined by AP

NH-01 – GOP Primary
29 of 113 Precincts Reporting – 26%
Frank Guinta (i) * 85%
Vern Clough 13%
Rick Parent 3%
 NH-02 – GOP Primary
52 of 188 Precincts Reporting – 28%
Charlie Bass (i) * 82%
Gerard Beloin 8%
Will Dean 5%
Miroslaw Dziedzic 2%
Dennis Lamare 2%