Loebsack attacks John Deere!

September 19, 2012

Yes, you are reading that subject line correctly.

Dave Loebsack and his Washington friends are so desperate that they are attacking John Deere, one of Iowa’s largest job creators in a new TV ad today.

Dave Loebsack is willing to do anything to cover up the fact that his wasteful stimulus plan is creating jobs in China. Let’s set the record straight – Dave Loebsack has personal holdings in companies that are sending jobs overseas. No wonder he has been called Iowa’s “LEAST EFFECTIVE” member and his website says his “Working for Iowa” section is … coming soon.

Please consider the following comment as you cover Dave Loebsack’s campaign against John Deere.

NRCC COMMENT: “Dave Loebsack is so desperate that he is attacking John Deere a trusted job creator in Iowa. While Iowa taxpayers are still footing the bill for his wasteful stimulus that created jobs in China, Loebsack has focused his political attacks on John Deere. No wonder his working for Iowa page on his website is blank. ” – NRCC Spokeswoman Andrea Bozek