New NRCC TV ad on Christie Vilsack

October 1, 2012

Wanted to make sure you didn’t miss that the NRCC has a new TV ad on air against Christie Vilsack. The ad highlights why Christie Vilsack is the wrong recipe for Iowans.

Below please find the script and click HERE to watch the ad. 

CHRISTIE VILSACK: I like to bring a seven layer salad.

ANNOUNCER : Christie Vilsack, most Iowans like her. But everyone likes a seven layer salad.

Lettuce, onion, bacon, peas. But Vilsack’s policy ingredients? Not so likable.

Job killing taxes. Devastating Medicare cuts. And at the bottom of it all-  And then we’ll move forward with the President’s agenda.

Christie Vilsack- Obama’s recipe, not Iowa’s. DISCLAIMER: The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.


NRCC COMMENT: “Christie Vilsack is desperately trying to feed Iowa families a load of garbage. They understand that Vilsack’s burdensome regulations, tax increases and Medicare cuts will be a recipe for disaster.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Andrea Bozek