New NRCC TV ad on Pat Kreitlow

October 1, 2012

Wanted to make sure you didn’t miss that the NRCC has a new TV ad on air against Pat Kreitlow. The ad exposes the truth about Pat Kreitlow’s vote for the largest tax increase in Wisconsin history and his support for slashing Medicare.

Below please find the script and click HERE to watch the ad. 


ANNOUNCER: Pat Kreitlow’s true colors are being exposed.

He and his allies are smearing Sean Duffy, with attacks the press calls “false,” “ridiculous,” and “the lie of the year.”

 And why? To cover up Kreitlow’s support for slashing Medicare by over $700 billion.

 And his vote for the largest tax increase in Wisconsin history. Nice try Pat, but your true colors really have been exposed.

 DISCLAIMER: The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.


NRCC COMMENT:  “Pat Kreitlow’s true colors are shining through his political smears. His tax increases and cuts to Medicare will hurt Wisconsin families and seniors.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Andrea Bozek