Reality Check: Seniors say “WHOA” to Dave Loebsack’s Medicare cuts
The desperate campaign of Congressman Dave Loebsack continues today. Loebsack was forced to take down TV ads that attacked John Deere – one of Iowa’s largest job creators after members of his own party publicly criticized him.
Now, Dave Loebsack is trying to cover up his vote to cut $716 billion from Medicare to pay for the government takeover of healthcare. Let’s remember – the only person in this race that voted to cut Medicare and put a board of unelected bureaucrats in-between seniors and their doctors is Congressman Dave Loebsack.
He must have fell asleep during that part of the bill…
- Loebsack Fell Asleep During ObamaCare Hearing: “Catching His Zzzs. Health care is an important topic, of course, but deep discussions of its finer points can be a little sleep-inducing. Just ask Rep. Dave Loebsack who was spotted Tuesday dozing off during the House Education and Labor Committee hearing on health care reform…” (Roll Call, 6/25/2009)
Please consider this comment from the NRCC as you cover Dave Loebsack’s desperate campaign.
NRCC COMMENT: “While Dave Loebsack was sleeping during a healthcare hearing, Iowa seniors suffered the consequences. His Medicare cuts and attacks on John Deere are just the latest reasons why Iowans cannot afford to hire Dave Loebsack again.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Andrea Bozek